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»The method we have developed detects what is probably the most challenging class of gene edits - a modification of just a single letter in the genetic blueprint. Since the scientific community has been using similar approaches for two decades to detect more complex GMOs, it is likely that this approach can be used to develop detection methods for most, if not all, gene-edited crops. And the good news is that it uses procedures and equipment similar to those that regulatory and commercial laboratories are already familiar with.«

Dr. John Fagan

Health Research Institute, Lead project scientist

»The EU’s highest court has ruled that gene-edited crops are regulated under the EU’s GMO regime and that this is necessary to protect consumers and the environment. Some claim that gene-edited crops cannot be found and therefore cannot be regulated under the EU’s GMO regime. We have shown that GM crops created with gene editing can be detected. There are no more excuses for failing to apply existing GMO safety and labelling requirements to these new GMOs. The European Commission and governments must build on this success and develop screening procedures that can identify gene-edited products.«

franziska achterberg

Greenpeace EU Food Policy Director


»The new detection method is a milestone in EU consumer and business protection. Authorities can now start identifying unauthorised gene-edited crops. This helps beekeepers, farmers, breeders, feed and food processors and retailers keep these new GMOs out of their supply chains and meet consumers’ demand for non-GMO food.«

Heike Moldenhauer

EU policy advisor at the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG)


»The new GM techniques known as gene editing are promoted as something different, but they are still GM. And this open source detection test means that the first gene edited crop to go out into the field will not fly under the radar. It also means farmers and food companies will now need to make commercial decisions on the assumption that gene edited crops will be detected and visible to consumers.«

Stephanie Howard

Sustainability Council of New Zealand


»We have developed this test because authorities have failed to do so. It would have been their job. Now it’s up to them to immediately implement this open source test into their control routine and keep illegal Cibus rapeseed out of Europe.«

Alexander Hissting

Managing Director of the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG)


»This breakthrough proves that the existing EU traceability and labelling system for GMOs can also be applied to products obtained through new genetic engineering techniques. This will boost consumer confidence and enable organic producers to keep organic production GMO free, in line with the European organic regulation.«

Eric Gall

Deputy Director of IFOAM Organics Europe,  +32 491 07 25 37 (Brussels)

»We at the Federal Environment Agency have tested the method for GMO detection for its performance. Our results confirm that this method meets all analytical requirements for a reliable GMO detection method. This is an important step towards effective controls.«

Frank Narendja

Head of the GMO Analytic Laboratory of the Department Land Use and Biosafety, Environment Agency Austria


»The paper shows that, when using the currently available documentary and technical strategies and tools, which are available in the European network of GMO laboratories, the detection of any kind of GMO – including gene-edited products – is feasible, even when attempting to detect a single nucleotide variation.«

Dr. Yves Bertheau

INRA Research Director, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle


»The new detection method is a decisive breakthrough and an important step towards ensuring transparency in food production. Complete traceability and certainty that food products are GMO-free are of high value for our consumers and our company. They are an important factor in any purchasing decision.«

DR. Gerhard Drexel

Chairman of the Board of SPAR Austria




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